Today, the clear, warm weather made it time for another scenic road to get away from the tedious driving on the interstate. It came at the end of our trip to St. Louis, MO from Kansas City, KS. We chose Route 19/Route 94 running along the Missouri River from New Florence, MO to St. Charles, MO. This was a choice by the website recommended by motorcyclists for “twisties” and scenery.
This route followed part of the Lewis and Clark trail along the river. It was not hard to imagine Lewis and Clark’s journey along the river. When I stopped to take a photo mosquitoes quickly attacked my gloveless hands. Probably similar insects gave Lewis and Clark the same welcome. The road made sweeping turns through hills along the river over narrow bridges and then it would straighten out along the fertile plain along the river. Corn was the dominant crop with vineyards taking a close second. The vegetation was lush and obviously benefited from the rivers regular replenishment of the soil.