Another 258 miles brings us to Gallup, NM with temperatures in the nineties. The low humidity makes it bearable.
Today, I encountered a light thunderstorm just outside of Albuquerque. I assumed the road would veer away from the storm and it did. But, the wind carried the rain to me and I struggled to get into my rain suit and continue. A friendly local stopped to ask if I was ok as I tried to keep my rain gloves from blowing off into the nearby field.
The storm reminded me how New Mexico has made us more aware of the variety of clouds seen here. With the motorcycle, one becomes very aware of different types of clouds. There are the threatening clouds, which bring wind, rain and hail and grief to the rider. Fair weather clouds consist of the less concentrated varieties and provide an uplifting feeling as I cruise along the road. Coming from the East where the heavy tree cover takes away the full view of the sky, we have enjoyed noticing the development of clouds miles in the distance.