We are spending the night in Provo, UT preparing to make the journey to Moab, UT. The last couple of days have been long covering approximately 800 miles through the desert landscape. Even though we carried the bike in a U-Haul trailer, it has been a struggle. From keeping the speed at 60mph to alternating between fourth and fifth gear to handle the hills and mountains, the trailer has not proven to be really advantageous. It might be the last time we use a trailer.
We stopped in Zion National Park on the way to Provo, UT. It was spectacular. The red and white rocks were vertical and gigantic making one feel humble and in awe. We took the propane-powered shuttle used to move people around the park during the day. The park road is always closed between 10am and 4pm daily. Without air conditioning, the coach’s open windows save energy even with temperatures in the nineties. The park people found that the shuttles took two thirds less energy to move people compared to people using their own vehicles. Traffic congestion has been eliminated.
Today, I was able to make the trip to Utah State University my alma mater and located my Victorian fraternity house and cruised around campus. The usual renovations on campus changed many areas but I was able to recognize major landmarks like “Old Main” the most historic building on campus. It reminded me of the Wilbur Cross building on the UConn campus. Then I headed back to Provo and battled 60mph winds all the way home. The bike again performed well and was stable as I shifted back and forth to counteract the gusts. Riding along surrounded by mountain ranges with some showing snow on their upper slopes really uplifts one’s spirit.